The Collaboration

The T2K collaboration has about 500 members from 78 institutes in 12 countries. Here is a brief history of T2K:

1999:  The T2K experiment was first proposed by Koichiro Nishikawa and Yoji Totsuka in order to search for oscillations from muon neutrinos to electron neutrinos.

2001:  A formal application for funding for the project was made by submitting a Letter of Intent.

2001:  Start of construction of the proton accelerator at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) in Tokai.

2002: The T2K collaboration first formed, though it was smaller than the current collaboration and had a different name.

2003: The T2K project was officially approved by the Ministry of Education, Sports, Culture, Science and Technology in Japan.

2006: The T2K collaboration expanded, and was launched using the name “T2K”.

2006: Submission of T2K experiment proposal

2007 – 2009: Construction of the ND280 near detector (the SuperK far detector had been used by previous experiments since 1996).

2008: SuperK detector electronics upgraded in preparation for T2K

2009:  First neutrino beam produced by the proton accelerator at J-PARC.

2010:  First physics data taken in the ND280 near detector and the SuperK far detector.

You can contact the current T2K spokespersons here.