T2K Run 9 ends with record proton delivery
T2K ended its 2017-18 data-taking run on May 31, 2018, with a record power of 500 kW delivered by the J-PARC Main Ring accelerator. T2K has accumulated a total of 3.16×10^21 protons on target (POT) so far. Preliminary results from a subset of these data were presented at the XXVIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics…
J-PARC delivers 3.0e21 protons on target to T2K!
On May 5, 2018, the number of protons delivered to the neutrino target of the T2K experiment by the J-PARC accelerator reached an important milestone: 3×10^21 accumulated since January 2010. Many thanks and congratulations to the J-PARC accelerator teams for their outstanding work to make this possible ! The protons are produced by the J-PARC Main Ring synchrotron…
T2K and NOvA collaborations to produce joint neutrino oscillation analysis
The NOvA and T2K Collaborations are working towards the formation of a joint working group to enhance the measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters made by each Collaboration individually. The projected timescale of the NOvA-T2K working group is for production of a full joint neutrino oscillation analysis by 2021.
Prof Chang Kee Jung named AAAS Fellow
Prof Chang Kee Jung, of Stonybrook University, has been named a fellow of the AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) for “his leadership role in neutrino research, particularly for establishing evidence for electron-neutrino appearance from a muon neutrino beam.” Prof Jung served as International Co-Spokesperson of the T2K Collaboration 2011–2015. The T2K Collaboration currently includes over…
T2K presents hint of CP violation by neutrinos
The international T2K Collaboration strengthened its previous hint that the symmetry between matter and antimatter may be violated for neutrino oscillation. A preliminary analysis of T2K’s latest data rejects the hypothesis that neutrinos and antineutrinos oscillate with the same probability at 95% confidence (2σ) level. With nearly twice the neutrino data in 2017 compared to…
T2K beam run extension given Stage-1 Status at J-PARC
On 30 Sep, 2016, the KEK-IPNS Director and J-PARC Center Director granted stage-1 status to the T2K collaboration’s proposal for an extended beam data run to search for CP violation by neutrinos. The proposal requests delivery of 20×10²¹ protons-on-target (POT) by 2026, which would allow the possibility of 3 sigma sensitivity for CP violation. In…
J-PARC delivers 2.0e21 protons on target
On March 2, the number of protons delivered to the neutrino target of the T2K experiment by the J-PARC accelerator reached an important milestone: 2×10^21 accumulated since January 2010. Many thanks are due to the J-PARC directorate and the staff members for their outstanding work to make this possible ! The protons are produced by the J-PARC…
Koichiro Nishikawa wins 2016 Pontecorvo Prize
Professor Koichiro Nishikawa has been awarded the Bruno Pontecorvo Prize for the year 2016. The Bruno Pontecorvo Prize is awarded by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia, for elementary particle physics. The prize commemorates Prof. Bruno Pontecorvo, a pioneering neutrino physicist who worked for many decades at JINR. The Prize was…
T2K Near Detector Upgrade
T2K CP violation search results presented at ICHEP 2016
The international T2K Collaboration announced today their findings on the symmetry between neutrino and antineutrino oscillation. With nearly twice the antineutrino data in 2016 compared to their initial results using antineutrino data in 2015, T2K has performed a new analysis of all data, fitting both neutrino and antineutrino modes simultaneously. Today’s announcement was made by…