T2K publishes first off-axis measurement of muon-neutrino disappearance
T2K has published the first measurement of muon-neutrino disappearance by an off-axis experiment in Physical Review D at http://prd.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v85/i3/e031103. The T2K beam is mostly composed of muon neutrinos, and 104 muon-neutrino events would have been expected in T2K’s far detector Super Kamiokande if there were no neutrino oscillations. However only 31 such events were observed,…
T2K makes the Top Ten !
Physics World, the magazine of the Institute of Physics in the U.K., has included one of T2K’s results in its top ten scientific breakthroughs of 2011. T2K was included for finding the first indications for oscillations from muon neutrinos to electron neutrinos as described here. Six electron-neutrino events were seen in Super Kamiokande (T2K’s far…
First test run of beams in J-PARC proton accelerator since earthquake
The proton accelerator at J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) in Tokai, Japan was affected by the earthquake of March 2011, though not by the tsunami. The damage sustained during the earthquake has now been mostly repaired, and the first test run of proton beams since the earthquake was successfully conducted in the LINAC (linear…
Status of recovery work since the earthquake
After several months of recovery work since the earthquake, we succeeded in taking the proton beam from Dec.24,2011 as scheduled and successfully confirmed the functionality of the beam line components and the reproducibility of neutrino production. However, on Dec.22, during the final operation test, switching devices called IGBTs in the horn power supply were broken.…
T2K statement on the OPERA anomaly (neutrinos travel faster than light)
Based on our initial assessment of our capability, at the moment T2K cannot make any definitive statement to verify the OPERA measurement of the speed of the neutrino (the OPERA anomaly). We will assess a possibility to improve our experimental sensitivity for a measurement to cross-check the OPERA anomaly in the future. Such a measurement…
T2K’s first observations of electron neutrino appearance!
Recently published results from T2K have made a step towards a possible answer to one of the biggest unsolved problems in physics: why do we see only matter in the present-day Universe when equal amounts of matter and antimatter were created in the Big Bang? The T2K results may lead the way to new studies…