First combined analysis of neutrino and antineutrino oscillations at T2K

6月 13, 2023

T2K reports its first results in the search for CP violation in neutrino oscillations using appearance and disappearance channels for neutrino- and antineutrino-mode beam. The data include all runs from Jan 2010 to May 2016 and comprise 7.482×10207.482×1020,protons on target in neutrino mode, which yielded in the far detector 32 e-like and 135 μμ-like events, and 7.471×10207.471×1020,protons on target in antineutrino mode which yielded 4 e-like and 66 μμ-like events. Reactor measurements of sin22θ13sin2⁡2θ13 have been used as an additional constraint. The one-dimensional confidence interval at 90% for δCPδCP spans the range (3.13−3.130.39−0.39) for normal mass ordering. The CP conservation hypothesis (δCP=0,πδCP=0,π) is excluded at 90% C.L.
