Neutrino beam flux prediction 2020
The files in the following archive file contain the neutrino and antineutrino beam flux predictions for the T2K ND280 (near) and Super-Kamiokande (far) detectors. It supersedes the previous flux release in 2016.
Since the previous flux release, the flux prediction has been updated to use 2009 replica target data from the NA61/SHINE experiment to tune interactions inside of the neutrino production target. The NA61/SHINE 2009 replica target measurements of π± production are published in Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76: 617. The flux prediction released here corresponds to that used in the T2K 2020 oscillation physics result paper (to be submitted to Eur. Phys. J. C).
The provided flux predictions include no neutrino oscillations.
A matrix which encodes the covariance between different energy bins of the fluxes at the near and far detectors for both horn operation modes is also provided in this release.
The provided tar file contains the flux predictions, covariance matrix, and a README.pdf file with detailed information on the included files:
T2K 2020 flux prediction
Neutrino beam flux prediction 2016
The files in the following archive file contain the neutrino and antineutrino beam flux predictions for the T2K ND280 (near) and Super-Kamiokande (far) detectors. It supersedes the previous flux release in 2013.
The original description of the flux predictions is published in this paper. Since the publication, the flux prediction has been updated with new thin target data from the NA61/SHINE experiment, and flux predictions for antineutrino enhanced beam operation have been produced. The NA61/SHINE thin target measurements of π±, K±, KS0, Λ and p production are published in Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76:84. The updated flux prediction is described in Phys. Rev. D 91, 072010 (2015).
The provided flux predictions include no neutrino oscillations.
This tar file contains the flux predictions as well as a README.pdf file with detailed information on the included files:
T2K flux prediction 2016
Neutrino beam flux prediction 2013
The files in the following archive file contain the neutrino beam flux predictions for the T2K ND280 (near) and Super-Kamiokande (far) detectors.
The description of the flux predictions is published in this paper. The provided flux predictions include no neutrino oscillations.
This tar file contains the flux predictions as well as a README.pdf file with detailed information on the included files:
T2K flux prediction 2013